Sealed Air Fill-Air Cyclone Inflatable Packaging System Machine (CYCUNITBW)

Sealed Air Fill-Air Cyclone Inflatable Packaging System Machine (CYCUNITBW)

  • Fast Delivery
  • Various payment options
  • Competitive and specialised pricing for ABN holders
  • The Fill Air System inflates void fill cushion material at 30 meters per minute
  • Inflatable packaging is the cleaner alternative to loose fill as it can be reused several times. It is a simple plug in and load operation which doesn't require a separate compressor
  • Uses the Fill-Air extreme efficiency films which are available (FAE5BW and FAE8BW)
Sealed Air Fill-Air Cyclone Inflatable Packaging System Machine (Cycunitbw)
Sealed Air Fill-Air Cyclone Inflatable Packaging System Machine (Cycunitbw)